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2025 ONA Board Committee Overview and Interest Form

→ Review the committee descriptions below. Please note that additional committees may be developed later this year following the completion of the strategic planning process.

→ Indicate your interest for the Awards & Recognition Committee or Governance Committee.

→ Board members are placed in committees based on preference, continuity and need. → If you are interested in serving on one of these two committees, please complete this form by Friday, Jan. 31 at 5:00 p.m. ET.

Awards and Recognition Committee

The Awards and Recognition Committee is responsible for highlighting innovation and excellence in journalism through our Online Journalism Awards and individual award recognition programs, including the Rich J. award and the James Foley Award. The committee oversees the entry and judging processes and rules governing the awards.

Governance Committee

The Governance Committee is responsible for ongoing review and recommendations to enhance the quality and future viability of the board of directors. The work of the committee revolves around the following five major areas: board roles and responsibilities, board composition, board knowledge, board effectiveness, and board leadership. The governance committee also oversees the annual elections.

Executive and Financial Oversight Committee  (determined through Board elections process)

The executive committee is responsible for working in support of, or occasionally in place of, the full board. It also oversees the approval of the budget, monitors and reports on the financial status and activities of the organization, and ensures the financial policies and practices are followed. 

2025 Chair: ONA President Charo Henríquez and Vice President Niketa Patel (serving their second year of their two-year terms).

Members: Treasurer and Secretary

Board Committee Interest

Please indicate below which committee(s) you are interested in serving on.

Your full name

Your email address

Board committee(s) you are interested in serving on. Please rank in order of your preference. Please note that if you select more than one committee, we will do our best to take your preference into account but also need to balance representation on committees.

First preference
Second preference
Awards & Recognition Committee
Governance Committee

If you are a returning board member, have you been placed in your first or second choice of committees in either of the past two years?

If you are a returning board member, have you been placed in your first or second choice of committees in either of the past two years?

Are you interested in taking a committee leadership role?

Are you interested in taking a committee leadership role?

We like to match volunteers with committees that are the best time commitment fit. Approximately how many hours per week/month could you devote to committee work? Are there any major time commitments or busy periods we should be aware of? 

Share any additional comments here.